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fishing association中文是什么意思

用"fishing association"造句"fishing association"怎么读"fishing association" in a sentence


  • 钓鱼协会


  • After a 60 - day waiting period , the fishing association confirmed the record catch , but placed it in the 16 - pound tippet line class because arostegui ' s weighed in at 13 pounds
  • A doctor with a slew of world fishing records added another one to his collection when he caught a 385 - pound lemon shark on fly tackle , the international game fish association said tuesday
  • A doctor with a slew of world fishing records added another one to his collection when he caught a 385 - pound lemon shark on fly tackle , the international game fish association said tuesday . dr . martin arostegui caught the heaviest fish ever documented on fly tackle , beating out a nearly 40 - year - old record , igfa world records coordinator rebecca reynolds said
用"fishing association"造句  
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